
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

The primary responsibility for corporate governance at Avient Corporation rests with its board of directors. The board of directors believes that corporate governance is enhanced when a substantial majority of the directors are independent and when all directors have demonstrated substantial professional accomplishment and leadership in their careers.

The board also believes that good corporate governance is achieved through effective oversight of management and the business affairs of the company. To accomplish this oversight, the board has assigned responsibilities among committees of the board and has documented those responsibilities in committee charters. In addition, the board has adopted a set of corporate governance guidelines that help define its responsibilities and guide its conduct.

The board demands honesty and integrity from each of the company's officers and employees and from each member of the board. To provide guidance on ethical business conduct, the board has approved a code of business conduct and a code of ethics and communicated their requirements to everyone within Avient.

For questions about corporate governance or any of Avient's policies and procedures, please contact us at Avient's corporate headquarters in Avon Lake, Ohio, USA.

Browse our resource center to find documents detailing Avient Corporation’s code of ethics, business conduct, stewardship policies, guidelines and more.

    Policies and Guidelines
    Policies and Guidelines
    Avient Audit Committee Charter Committee Charters Authority, purpose, committee membership, meetings, and other information about Avient Audit Committee
    Avient Code of Conduct Corporate Literature Guidelines for ethical business conduct
    Avient Compensation Committee Charter Committee Charters Membership, general purposes, duties and responsibilities, and meetings and action of compensation committee
    Avient Conflict Minerals Policy Policies & Procedures Avient's position on reporting and disclosure requirements related to conflict minerals
    Avient Corporate Governance Guidelines Governance Guidelines Composition of the Board, director responsibilities, access to management and independent advisors, director compensation, and director orientation and continuing education
    Avient Environmental Health and Safety Committee Charter Committee Charters Authority, purpose, duties and responsibilities, committee meetings and action of the environmental, health and safety committee
    Avient Environmental Policy Policies & Procedures Avient's commitment to environmental laws and regulations
    Avient Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee Charter Committee Charters Membership, general purposes, duties and responsbilities, authority and committee meetings information
    Avient Product Stewardship Policy Policies & Procedures Avient ensures compliance with applicable regulatory requirements and industry standards and acts
    Avient Quality Policy Policies & Procedures Avient's commitment to continuous improvement and operational excellence
    Avient Responsible Care® Policy Policies & Procedures Responsible Care® Policy along with supporting EHS&S Policies.
    Avient Safety and Health Policy Policies & Procedures Avient's commitment to safety and health
    Avient Security Policy Policies & Procedures Avient's policy of security for people, buildings, equipment, proprietary information, technologies and systems
    Avient Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier Code of Conduct Avient Corporation and subsidiaries supplier code of conduct
    Avient's Position on Human Rights Corporate Literature Avient is dedicated to conducting business ethically and with integrity, and our Position on Human Rights is part of our commitment to socially responsible business practices.
    Avient's Position on Human Rights- July 2021 Policies & Procedures View Avient's position on human rights
    Avient Code of Ethics Applicable to Senior Financial Officers Corporate Literature Code of Ethics applicable to senior financial officers
    Form 8937 Corporate Literature Report of organizational actions affecting basis of securities
    Form 8937 - May 2024 Corporate Literature Report of organizational actions affecting basis of securities